Custom Photo Video

add_comment Add your text to the template.
input Check the preview boxes for a sneak peek of what it will look like.
access_time Sit tight for 3-4 minutes while our serves create your personalised video.
favorite We'll email you a link to view and download your video when it's created or you can view and download it directly from the bottom of this page.
cloud_upload Upload your personalised video to social media and your church's website, or show it in your service on Sunday!

Opening Scene


Add your church name or another welcome.

Image 1

You could add a picture of your church building, community centre, or something else meaningful from your local area.

Choose your own image to put into the template. Please use a file under 10MB.

Please choose a file under 10MB.


Scene 2


Here you could add an invitation with the name of your event.

Image 2

Perhaps add a photo of where the event will be, or members of your community.

Choose your own image to put into the template. Please use a file under 10MB.

Please choose a file under 10MB.


Scene 3

Description Of Your Event

What can people expect when they come to your event?

Image 3

A photo of a similar previous event would work well here.

Choose your own image to put into the template. Please use a file under 10MB.

Please choose a file under 10MB.


Scene 4

Event Details

Add the details of your event, where to be, when to be there and who to contact.

Image 4

A reflective photo, or one that helps people to locate where your event will be.

Choose your own image to put into the template. Please use a file under 10MB.

Please choose a file under 10MB.



Church Name

Add your church name, some invitational text, or contact details


Create your video

  • To create your video, please enter your email address and confirm that you're happy with our privacy policy.
  • Hit 'Create video' and sit tight for 3-4 minutes while our servers create a low resolution watermarked version of your video. You can always find this on your My Media page.
  • If you’re happy with your video, you can create a full resolution version.
  • Our servers will then render a high resolution unwatermarked video, which you can then download. You'll also receive an email with the link, or you can find it on your My Media page.

Please enter your email address! I've checked and am happy with how my previews look. The previews next to each input show exactly how your inputs will look in the final video. Please check these previews to make sure they look right! You can contact us if there are any issues making it look right.
Please sign me up to the mailing list and let me know when more customised templates are available.

By entering your e-mail address and creating a video, you confirm that you're happy with our privacy policy.

Your Video

You’ll be able to view your video here when it’s created

Go Chatter helps those involved with Christian ministry whether its church leaders, teachers or youth leaders discover helpful videos that can get people talking about Jesus.

Some of the videos are linked to current events or trending topics. Some have a seasonal emphasis. Others feature someone's life-story.

If you'd like to know more, or have any issues with the website, please get in touch.